The Den of Slack

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Late additions to the Christmas Breadbox

I didn’t get these done in time for Christmas, but I cross stitched three designs from Prairie Schooler’s Folk Art Christmas to go in my breadbox roombox.

Here are the stitched designs. They’re stitched over-one on 36 count linen, for finished sizes of approx. 1-5/16 by 1-7/8. I started with the horizontal one, planning to put it on the blank wall next to the table, but then I wanted to do more so I decided to make the horizontal one a rug near the sink and stitched the two vertical ones for the wall.

I used fusible interfacing to finish them. I’m not sure if I’ve posted about this stuff on the blog before, but I’ve used it a few times now and it works well. You start by cutting a piece to fit over the back of the design.

Then iron with steam (and a cloth in between) for about 15 seconds.

With the backing on, I was able to cut right up to the edges of the rug. Usually I finish a rug by leaving the third-to-last row unstitched, and then turning the fabric over and stitching over the turned part for that row, to secure it. It works well to prevent the piece from unraveling, but it makes the rug bulky.

Using the interfacing makes the rug lie flatter, but you can see the little white threads at the edge where I cut it. So, not perfect, but no one’s going to be staring at it that closely!

If I’d planned ahead to make this a rug, I might have stitched it on lower count fabric to make it a little bigger, but it works at this size.

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Gingerbread dollhouse – step away from the frosting!

My gingerbread dollhouse looked pretty good the way I had it, but I wanted to finish the roof and front door, and play around a bit with frosting. And… I might have ruined it. I mean, it’s still adorable, and I had fun with it, but I went WAY overboard on frosting — past the point of no return, and then some.

First, though, I spruced up the front door.

I also added Snow-Tex to the porches and roof. This stuff is great. The texture is sort of marshmallow-like and it just looks yummy.

I sprinkled glitter on the roofs while the Snow-Tex was wet. It reminds me of a cookie with sprinkles.

I used up almost all the Snow-Tex… that’s how I knew it was time to stop!

Next I added frosting sashes to the front windows.

So, here’s how the house looked before I went totally nuts with the frosting. Pretty tasteful, I could have left it this way.

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Gingerbread dollhouse decorating

My parents came to visit last weekend, and gingerbread houses were on the agenda! Here’s what we started with (read the earlier posts here and here to see how I got the houses to this point). I already built a puzzle house like the one on the left, so my mom decorated that one and I decorated the three story Victorian.

I don’t plan to decorate the inside of mine, but I finished them so they wouldn’t look bad from the back. The Spiced Gingerbread paint sample was just enough paint to do these two houses.

If you’re wondering, these puzzle houses are roughly half scale, but they aren’t the same scale as each other. Here are the staircases next to each other — you can see that the three story Victorian is a bit smaller in scale than the other house.

Here’s a real gingerbread cookie in front of one of the houses. The paint color is pretty close!

We started by organizing all the fake candy in a muffin tin. I bought this candy at Michaels the Friday before Thanksgiving, at which time the store was well stocked. We went back this past Monday (December 14) and they were completely out of this stuff. If you’re thinking of doing a project like this, buy your candy early!

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