The Den of Slack

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Ducks and more ducks

Every year like clockwork, ducks show up in my swimming pool. They hang out for about six weeks, hatch a gaggle of babies, and then waddle off into the sunset–with a little help, because once baby ducks get in the pool they can’t get out again.

This year, it happened twice: one pair of ducks showed up in February, and a week after their ducklings hatched in April, another pair moved in.

The first batch had six babies.

After six years of this, we have duck rescue down to a science: first fish them out with the pool net, then deposit them near the fence so they can jump through to the other side.

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Tomy Smaller Homes – adding curb appeal

When Geoff and I cleaned up the base of the Tomy dollhouse, we pulled up the grass. I didn’t want to but it was getting ratty, and he wanted to hose off the whole base after scraping off all the old flooring paper, so the grass had to go. Just like sprucing up a real house, it’s now time to roll out some new sod.

I started by cutting a piece of foamcore to fit in the space where the grass used to be. The replacement grass I have isn’t as tall as the old grass so the foamcore is needed to add height.

I covered this with a Lemax grass sheet. I glued it down but also added masking tape to hold the edges down. This is the side that gets glued in so it won’t be visible.

This is the same grass I used on the Rosedale and it’s kind of awful — the “grass” sluffs right off, leaving behind patches of the flat green backing.

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Tomy Smaller Homes renovation

Last summer I discovered a mouse had been squatting in my Tomy Smaller Homes dollhouse. I didn’t catch it in action (thankfully!), but my first clue was the chewed-up rug.

Then I noticed this suspicious stain. Mouse pee? It seems too symmetrical for that, but this is right against a seam where two carpet pieces meet, so that could explain the straight edge. (Also, ew!)

Also two loose wallpaper corners in the kitchen had been nibbled at. I tore off the damaged wallpaper intending to replace it.

After letting it sit in disrepair for almost a year, last week I decided to fix the damaged carpet and wallpaper. Not surprisingly, this turned into something bigger. It started with the living room carpet. I was able to get up this much of it before I decided I needed to take off the walls to really get it off.

This is two layers of paper backing — the suede scrapbook paper I used when I redid the house six years ago, and the remnants of the original carpet underneath that I hadn’t completely removed.

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