
Fairfield – siding, windows, and doors (2)

After many months of playing with the interior of the house, I’m back to work on the outside. When last we saw our hapless heroine, she had just finished staining shingles for the roof. Those are still sitting in the hangar waiting to be glued on. First I have to finish the siding and glue the roof in place.

After seeing some other, beautifully finished Fairfields, I decided to revisit my color choices. I decided to be brave and try painting my windows and front door with accent colors. (There’s a first time for everything!) Here’s my first attempt. The purple looks kind of light in the picture, but it’s actually a dusty plum color.

I happened to have a broken window so I practiced on that.

I’m also going to paint over the brown porch and foundation of the house. I want a darker green that will go nicely with the accent colors and the green of the house. My first attempt was too much like a Christmas tree, so I have to try some different paint (I’ll spare you the pictures!)

Update March 14, 2005: At long last, the siding is all on!

Since the pictures on this page are a bit small, here is a close up. I was a little sloppy at the corners because I knew I’d be covering them with trim.

I don’t know why it took me so many months to get that siding on… probably just because putting it on was boring. Once I committed myself to finishing it, though, I got it done in an afternoon. My latest crisis is that the (water based) paint doesn’t want to take on the (oil based) sealer I used. It wasn’t a problem when I was painting directly on plywood, but on the siding it is. It’s frustrating, and the finish is kind of lumpy, but only really noticeable when you’re right up close. Oh well, I’ll deal. I’m NOT taking that siding off and replacing it!


  1. Sandra from Sydney

    I love the green – I ended up choosing green as well, quite by chance, but wasn’t as adventurous with the colours of the trim. Love the lavender and cream on yours. I’m glad I have the upgraded windows and doors for my second Fairfield, I really like the way yours look.

  2. suzanne fountain

    where did you get the fishscale siding?

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