The Den of Slack

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Mr. Spatula’s water cooler (part 1)

I finished the Sam & Max Freelance Police roombox back in September, but I’ve been holding off on building furniture for it until the action figures from Boss Fight Studio ship — since I’m making most of the furniture from scratch, I want to have them handy as a size reference. Unfortunately the release date has been delayed on these and they’re not expected to ship until the spring.

The most complicated piece I have to build is Mr. Spatula’s water cooler. I’ve been thinking for months about how to do this, and decided to bite the bullet on the aquarium part. I can build the base later when I have the figures.

I’ve never made a dollhouse aquarium before, but they’re usually made with clear resin as water. Normally you pour the resin in through the open top of the aquarium, and can position the fish in the resin as it dries. But since a water cooler is enclosed at the top, I had to figure out another method. I’m going to try two different versions: one with resin water, and one with real water (like a snow globe). This post shows the first steps of the resin version.

I’m using a glass dome with a cork base from Alpha Stamps for the bottle. I would have preferred something with a flat top, and almost used a corked glass bottle instead, but decided against it because the skinny neck would have prevented me from fitting a castle and gravel inside. The big cork on the dome will make a good base.

The castle charm is also from Alpha Stamps. I snipped off the ring and sanded the nubs off with a file. I washed the charm with soap and water, and then painted it with gesso.

I didn’t want to use water-based paint, especially for the snow globe version, so I dug out these model paints leftover from the one and only time I tried to build a model car. (It didn’t go well.) They’re about nineteen years old, so I’m impressed the paint is still good!

Here it is after the first coat. Later I touched up where the black went outside of the lines.

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Seaside Villa porch lattice and flooring

I first learned to use plastic needlepoint canvas as 1:24 scale lattice when my Gull Bay came with some. What a brilliant idea! It’s cheap, too — I paid about two dollars for a 12″ x 18″ piece to make lattice for the Seaside Villa, and will have a ton left over.

I painted the section of the foundation to be covered with lattice black, and then cut the canvas on a diagonal. Since the trim on this house is white, I don’t even have to paint it.

I made a frame for the lattice out of 1/4″ x 1/16″ strip wood, painted the same gray as the house. I did this with the house lying on its side and lined the edges of the strip wood up with the bottom of the foundation.

But when I set the house upright, I realized it’s not quite square and the front part of the foundation is slightly lifted off the table.

The glue hadn’t dried yet, so I pulled off the side pieces and replaced them with pieces that were slightly longer. Then I added wood filler to the seams, did a final coat of paint, and cut the lattice to fit inside the hole.

Next I added flooring to the porches. A local hobby shop closed down over the summer (sob) and I bought a bundle of very thin wood pieces in their going out of business sale. Most of the bundle are dark brown, but there were about 15 raw pieces that I pulled out.

These are 3/16″ wide, perfect for 1:24 scale floorboards.

I dyed the end of one with Minwax Classic Gray as a test — it goes well with the gray paint.

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Seaside Villa egg carton stone foundation

I planned to give the Seaside Villa a brick foundation. I bought this embossed brick paper back when I was going to paint the house Belgian Waffle. It would have looked good with that color scheme, but it’s too orange to go with the gray.

I dug around in my stash to see what else would work. These are Lemax bricks that I bought years ago the day after Christmas, at a deep discount. A little too fake looking. I considered painting them gray but it wasn’t really singing to me.

This is a leftover scrap of the paper I used for Sam & Max’s office. The color is great, but the scale is not (the paper is 1:12 scale and the Seaside Villa is 1:24 scale). This paper does come in half scale so I could have bought some of that, but I didn’t need anything else and didn’t want to pay more for shipping than the paper cost.

So I turned to the old standby: egg cartons. I don’t know who came up with the idea of using egg cartons for dollhouse stone, but I owe that person a debt of gratitude, because it’s one of my favorite techniques. I’ve used egg cartons to make a stone foundation for the Hillside Victorian, the foundation and chimney on the Queen Anne Rowhouse (pictured below), a fireplace, a wishing well, and probably other things I’m forgetting.

Egg cartons can also be used to make bricks — I really liked how this turned out in my Four Seasons Roombox. (The “concrete” stoop is also made from pieces of egg carton.)

But cutting and applying those tiny bricks is really tedious, especially in half scale. Back in 2015 (!) I started putting egg carton brick on the Victorianna’s foundation and I still haven’t finished it.

So, stone it is, but I didn’t want it to look exactly the same as the Rowhouse’s foundation. I Googled “stacked stone foundation” and found this website with some pictures. I decided to try something similar to the fully pitched Scotch bond. I cut a couple of egg carton lids into 1/2″ wide strips, and then cut these into 1/2″ and 3/4″ pieces.

These will be staggered to look something like this.

I’d neglected to paint the bottom edges of the walls when I did the rest of the house, so I did that first.

With the house on its side I realized I had not done a good job of painting the undersides of the lap siding when I painted over the Belgian Waffle with gray. You can’t see it when the house is upright, but I took this opportunity to touch it up.

Next I painted the stone part of the foundation with gray paint (Granite Gray from Glidden), and under the porch with black (this will get lattice instead of stone).

When the paint was dry, I glued on the egg carton stones, leaving small cracks between them. I snipped off the corners on the stones, which makes them look more like stones and less like pieces of cut-up cardboard.

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